Friday, May 21, 2010

Sistergirl Devotions by Carol M. Mackey

Whether you are a new Christian or someone who has a committed relationship to the Lord, you will find this book helpful. Although Carol MacKey is the author listed on the book cover, she is only God's messenger, because these words and prayers were truly inspired by Him.
The book is well written, easy to read, and full of practical ways to live your faith from nine to five and beyond. Best of all, each installment is based on a different Scripture from God's word and the “Power Moves”, were an absolute actionable blessing.  It doesn't take long to read each day's devotional but what you read sticks with you throughout the day. I don’t believe anyone could read from this devotional and not be changed.
I was really blessed by the entire book from the introduction to the end, but one of my favorite-favorites was Number 31 – Signs and Wonders – Believing miracles for yourself and your coworkers. In a time when we are challenged to do more with less on our jobs, this mediation truly reminded me that God is in complete control at all times and in every way and that we should be mindful to pray and care for our community at work. Can I tell you there are 90 of them? And all are power-packed with a word that will stir your heart.
I recommend it for all the “Sistergirls” who really want to keep Jesus in the Mix on the Job. You will be blessed.
Reviewed by Rhonda McKnight
A copy of this book was provided by the publisher.

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