Sunday, December 26, 2010

Steppin' Into The Good Life by Tia McCollors - Coming soon - Pre-order Today!

About the Book

Shelia Rushmore thought she'd be the last woman standing when it was time to fight for her man. Instead Ace, her boyfriend of two years, chose to reunite with his ex-wife, leaving Shelia emotionally devastated. It's a year later when Sheila is convinced that sneaking into their wedding ceremony will put closure on the gaping hole in her heart. But it's on the back pew of the church where a new relationship begins for Shelia. She can't explain the touch she received from God on that day, but she's determined to be a better woman-a woman of faith. Since high school, Shelia has been chasing her definition of the good life - it's left her with no home, no man, and no money. But now that's she's living life for God, things should get better, right? Shelia learns that living a faith-filled life isn't always easy.

With faith, tough love, and some tough decisions, Shelia realizes that the life she'd been praying for she could have for herself is actually attainable. Being wrapped in God's arms, she decided, was by far the safest place she'd ever been.

Book Review

Steppin’ Into the Good Life by Tia McCollors is a very good book and an interesting read. It is the follow up book to The Last Woman Standing. I did not read the first book and I thought that I would be lost and have a difficult time knowing all of the characters; however Steppin’ Into the Good Life can carry its own.

Shelia Rushmore is trying to get over and move on from a previous relationship that she thought was going to be her happily ever after. When she finally gets closure with one relationship she starts another one with God. Shelia soon realizes that all of the things that she was chasing were not going to truly give her the good life that she desired.

She thought that what she really needed was a man in her life a high paying job and nice home to make her happy. Shelia slowly understands that there is only one thing and one relationship that will truly make her happy and that was her relationship with God.

Shelia has always chased after the good life but it always seemed to be just out of her grasp. With her new found faith, she begins to step into a new season and realizes that with God she is truly stepping into her best life.

Tia McCollors wrote a thought provoking book that challenges you to let go of your baggage and be open to what God has for you. Don’t let unresolved issues keep you from stepping into the Good Life.

Reviewed by Janette Malcolm

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for the purposes of review. This book is available for pre-order at and Barnes and

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Last Temptation by Michelle Stimpson

The Last Temptation
Michelle Stimpson

About the Book

Sensible single mother Patricia "Peaches" Miller isn't about to follow in her mama's footsteps and become dependent on a man--no, that would be too easy. But when she doesn't see eye to eye with the man she wants to marry, she knows that returning to a life of girls' nights out, retail therapy, and chocolate peanut clusters just won't do for her. Then Raphael, her son's father, steps back into the picture--and makes it clear that his attraction to Peaches is stronger than ever. There's just one problem. Raphael has already pledged his heart to another woman.

Peaches has been praying for a perfect family for a long time. Deep down she knows this can't be God's idea of an answer--but can you blame a girl for hoping? Now, as she battles with temptation, and with her faith, she's not sure which will win. . .

Book Review

Being a lover of Christian Fiction, I was elated to learn of Michelle Stimpson’s latest work. In The Last Temptation, we are reintroduced to Peaches Miller and several other characters from her debut novel, Boaz Brown.

Peaches is a single mother, living a God-led life, is engaged to Quinn, who is also living a God-led life. Conflict comes to the couple when Quinn accepts a job in another state without the benefit of consulting with Peaches. This decision sends their relationship into a tailspin, as Peaches feels that such a decision should have been discussed with her, and Quinn feels that he made the right choice because his decision is one that will make their lives better. He indicates that he is going to wear the “biblical pants” in their marriage.

Ms. Stimpson does an excellent job weaving the characters together and telling their story. The characters and their relationships are well defined and the story is easy to follow. She shows us, through the characters, what can happen when we attempt to handle things and solve problems on our own, instead of allowing ourselves to be led by God.

I truly enjoyed this book, and highly recommend it to readers of any genre, not just Christian fiction. Ms. Stimpson did not disappoint with this one.

Reviewed by Deniece Shelman

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Delilah by Shelia Goss

About the Book

Behind every successful man is a good woman. The downfall of a good man is a woman up to no good.

Thirty-year-old Samson Judges is a prominent pastor of the Peaceful Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Shreveport, Louisiana. His church owns land that real estate mogul William Trusts wants. When Samson refuses to sell, William hires Delilah Baker to find out Samson’s Achilles heel.

Money isn’t Delilah’s only motivation for taking the assignment. After watching Samson every Sunday morning on a local television station, Delilah has fallen in love with him. In her mind, there is only one person standing in her way of getting Samson—his fiancée, Julia Rivers.

Samson is far from innocent. He feels his longstanding relationship with God puts him above reproach. His weakness for one woman, Delilah, threatens to ruin his relationship with Julia, his parents, and his church. When he realizes the length Delilah will go through to get her man, Samson vows to protect his ministry by any means necessary.

Book Review

Shelia M. Goss’ Delilah is a riveting story about secrets, lies and betrayal. The characters are well written and practically come to life on the page.

Delilah Baker was a changed woman or so she thought. She lived a hard life and survived abuse from those who were supposed to take care of her. But past indiscretions were catching up with her. Her boss blackmailed her into doing things that she initially didn’t want to do. Delilah felt that she could stall her boss long enough until she have everything that she wanted, enough money so that she could be comfortable, a man that she loved and thought she would marry and a church home. There was just one huge obstacle, his fiancé.
Samson Judges is the young Pastor of Peaceful Rest. Samson had for the most part avoided temptations in his young life and was arrogant enough to think that he was above reproach. He has lived a charmed life. He has great parents, a job for which he was predestine and a woman that he loved and was engaged to marry. He also had Delilah, his Achilles’ heel.

Samson and Delilah had a tumultuous relationship that causes them both to lose things that that they worked so hard for.

Delilah deals with morals, temptations and judgment. I would definitely recommend this book. It is a fast easy read and it will keep you glued to the pages until the very end. How far would you go when temptations are calling your name? Delilah leaves you wanting more.

Reviewed Janet Malcolm

You may learn more about the author at  and purchase a copy at Walmart, Barnes and Nobles, Books-A-Million, Borders and your local indepenent books store. Click here to pre-order online at

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Joy Comes In The Morning

About the Book

Sister Alex Carter is seemingly a pillar of spiritual strength, working diligently in the ministry, trying to help everyone – but she has a secret. In fact, she’s really a ticking time bomb. She’s set to marry Deacon Joshua Bennings, a bishop’s son and the church’s most eligible bachelor, but she can’t seem to escape a mistake from her past. Now a past lover is making a selfish attempt to expose Alex; so, she learns to fight,

Alex strikes a moral indictment against the church, pledging to right the wrongs of hypocrisy. Meanwhile, a flirtatious church sister is competing for Joshua’s attention, and Alex is not sure he’ll still love her because she is holding on to a job that’s pulling her further away from the will of God for her life.

As Alex wrestles to maintain her spotless reputation, her prepackaged life begins to unravel, bringing her to the brink of losing everything she has worked so hard for. Finding herself in the beautiful plains of Kenya, Alex is forced to face not only her past, but her future as well. Will she ever learn that through Christ, no matter how dark it gets, joy comes in the morning?

Book Review

"Ashea Gordon takes weaves a tale of redemption and forgiveness. We are introduced to Alex, a woman who is strong in her faith and a pillar of strength who is always willing to help others. Alex is harboring a secret that she is unable to forgive herself for. Ms. Gordon does an exceptional job sharing Alex’s story and giving the readers a lesson in forgiveness. The story gives hope for those who have been unable to forgive themselves for a past malfeasance. A definite message of hope was conveyed to the readers. I truly enjoyed reading this book and am looking forward to Ms. Gordon’s future works."

Reviewed by Deneice Shelman

Readers may learn more about the author at her website Joy Comes In the Morning is available at Walmart, online at and your local bookstore. Click here to order online.

Friday, December 03, 2010

A Peace of Me by T.N. Williams

About the Book

Celia Alexander assumed she had faced the ultimate test of faith when her husband, Khalil, went to prison, but as she becomes involved in the disappearance of a girl linked to Khalil, she soon discovers evil has no boundaries.

Detective Hovan Sarkisian is wrestling with his own troubles when the case is dropped in his lap. The investigation brings out well-kept secrets, and Hovan is forced to confront his past.

Khalil Alexander may be incarcerated, but he is far from confined. He has created an unusual business operation to feed his disturbed mind and fund his hopeful release.

Celia and Khalil's daughter, Kaleia, hides her pain like a well-worn diary. The troubled sixteen-year-old heads down a destructive path, invisible in plain sight. While mysteries unravel and truths are unveiled, Celia learns that her family's peace will depend on faith and wisdom.

Book Review

In Peace of Me, T.N. Williams did something very few authors have done in the genre of Christian Fiction and that's deliver something different. Peace of Me is the story of Celia Alexander, a single mother who's ex-husband is in prison for an unthinkable and unforgivable crime. She's struggling to be a mother to her children who as a result of their father's behavior, have issues of their own. In an attempt to make peace with the past, Celia begins to search for a missing teenage girl. Celia has proof that the girl had been linked to her ex-husband, but will what she find be worse than she imagined?

I enjoyed Peace of Me from the first to the last word. The prologue is riviting and the subsequent chapters don't disapoint. Strong character development and great pacing make for a quick read. The strong spiritual message of faith and forgiveness is accomplished through the characters actions, not through sermonic preachy undertones. Can you tell I loved the delivery?

Williams always touches on touchy topics. Readers will remember these characters and their stories long after they close the back cover. I highly recommend it.

Reviewed by Rhonda McKnight

A copy of this book was provided by the author for the purposes of review. Learn more about TN and her work at

Purchase a copy at or at

Thursday, December 02, 2010

So you want to be an author?!!!

I had to share this. I thought it was hilarious and unfortuntely many points the video makes are very true. I do some free-lance editing and I've had several clients who thought along these lines. Boy were they disappointed when I gave them the skinny on how it really works. So have a good laugh and if you're an aspiring writer you may learn something as well.

My Christian Fiction Blog: Attention All Authors And Wannabe Authors!!!: "Watch this video! It's hilarious!! Occasionally, I get questions from unpublished writers - and I've had a number of people to contact me,..."