Great titles for the novel. Tell us a little about your novel, A Forgiver’s Consequences? My novel "A Forgiver's Consequences" is a story about a young woman who marries the man of her dreams. But shortly upon marrying him, the marriage evolved to a nightmare, filled with emotional, psychological and physical abuse.
Lisa Fontaine: The wife is beautiful wonderful loving and forgiving woman who is doing all she can to try to keep her marriage. She’s a very spiritual woman as well, which along with her faith is the prominent force that compels her to keep trying to make her marriage work.
David Fontaine (The husband): David is a man that had a very difficult childhood, filled with abuse and pain. However, despite that he was able to rise above it and become a very educated and successful person. This fuels his intolerance and lack of patience for failure and/or excuses.
Javier (Lisa’s friend): Javier is the unequivocal loyal friend that is there for you no matter what. He also had always had a “secret’ crush on Lisa, but he has always felt that he was not her type.
Joyce (Lisa’s friend): Joyce is Lisa’s co-worker and friend who is very concern for Lisa because she has suspected the abuse Lisa had been facing at the hands of David.
Why did you choose to write about domestic violence? Domestic violence is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. And it’s an unfortunate epidemic all too prevalent in our society. I was exposed to it as a child and it left a profound impression on my life. And as an adult I had to make a decision not to allow that experience to make me a victim or a perpetuator of that behavior.
Tell us about your writing journey. My writing journey began when as a child I developed a strong affinity for poetry and short stories. The environment in my home and its surroundings was very dysfunctional and I realized that through reading and writing I was able to vicariously travel and live beyond my reality.
You are involved in ministry. Tell us about it. I'm involved in this wonderful Christian based prison ministry called the Match-Patch Program. It’s a program that provides incarcerated mothers and fathers the opportunity to receive mentor ship on an array of subjects, to include parenting skills, anger management, substance abuse etc. As a volunteer I speak to the inmates twice a month about various subject matters, to include the ones mentioned.
I asked Edwin to get personal and he answered the following:
Favorite inspirational scripture: Mark 14:36 NASB "Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will."
Favorite worship song: "He Touched Me" By Bill Gaithers
Favorite dessert: Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream
Beach or mountains: Mountains
If you could spend one hour with someone, living or deceased, who would it be and why? Dr. Martin L. King Jr. I was deeply impacted by Dr. King's life and his commitment to justice and equality. In addition, I was equally moved to know that this devotion and commitment began at such a young age.
If you were going to a deserted island and could only take one fiction book that you didn't write, what would it be and why? The Short Stories of Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes was one of my greatest influences as a reader and writer in my youth. I was amazed at how he was able to move, inspire while telling a story with such few words. And every time I re-read his stories I walk away with a new found appreciation of his commitment to write about the plight of his people and people of color.
What should people expect from you in the future?
People should expect a plethora of things from me in the future. To include more writings, comedy, acting and speaking engagements. I believe I’ve been blessed with certain gifts from God for a reason. And it’s not for them to lie dormant within me, but to be used as tools to minister to others about life and God.
Thanks so much for stopping by Edwin. Tell my readers how they can find out more about you.
You can find me, Edwin De Leon, author of A Forgiver’s Consequences online at or at where I have a recorded interview archived.
This interview with Edwin De Leon was made possible by Nia Promotions, a marketing company that assists authors and publishers with Internet book marketing using strategy, branding and education.